Slow care and a good preparation
Breastfeeding course, labor & delivery, workshops, ...


Midwives practice Wheel of Care Nieuwland 194 - 1000 Brussels



  • 4th trimester and intimacy in the postpartum period
  • breastfeeding 
  • theoretical antenatal class for natural labor & delivery
  • active antenatal class for natural labor & delivery
  • the first food of our baby with our dietician Sofie



Help, there's so much information! How can I possibly remember all of this?

When taking a pregnancy course, a lot of information is presented to you, but there's no need to worry!

We don't expect you to remember everything.

That's why your midwife will provide a goodie bag after each workshop containing summaries of all the information covered, allowing you to review everything at home.

This way, you can follow the course in a relaxed manner and won't need to worry about taking notes. Pretty convenient, right?



How much does it cost?

Wheel of Care believes in simplicity and accessibility, which is why our pregnancy course has a flat price of 50€ per couple for every workshop.

Payment is due at the start of each lesson and can be made via Payconiq or cash.

Our course fee includes teaching materials, eco goodie bags, advice and support from our midwives, as well as tasty and healthy drinks and snacks.

Additionally, we follow the Robin Hood principle by using a portion of our income to offer free workshops to couples with a low income.

All of our workshops are offered in English.

If you are not affiliated with a Belgian health insurance fund, please inform us in advance.

The following items will certainly be covered during the various pregnancy courses:

  • What physical changes can you expect in the last trimester?
  • What are contractions, how do you recognize them and how do you deal with them?
  • When to leave for the hospital?
  • Breathing exercises during labor
  • How does labor work and what are useful tools
  • How can I prevent a cut or tear?
  • What movements and massages can help you get through the contractions?
  • How does childbirth and pushing go?
  • What if my labor and delivery are different than I had hoped?
  • How does a caesarean section or an induction proceed?
  • Relaxation exercises and foot massage How to start breastfeeding and latch on to your baby?
  • How to avoid breastfeeding problems? What should I get in advance for breastfeeding?
  • The care of the baby Carrying your baby
  • What if my baby has colic? How do I deal with this?
  • What about baby blues?
  • How can you best organize your maternity period?

Most recent workshops

Prenatal yoga with Chiara on Monday evening

A relaxing moment during your pregnancy. 
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Prenatal yoga with Chiara on Monday evening

A relaxing moment during your pregnancy. 

Prenatal yoga with Chiara on Monday evening

A relaxing moment during your pregnancy. 

Postnatal yoga with Chiara on Thursday

Postnatal yoga: me-time for new mothers and their baby!
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Postnatal yoga with Chiara on Thursday

Postnatal yoga: me-time for new mothers and their baby!

Postnatal yoga with Chiara on Thursday

Postnatal yoga: me-time for new mothers and their baby!